
Elena Rosell to ride for QMMF Racing Team in 2012

Elena Rosell to ride for QMMF Racing Team in 2012
Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Elena Rosell will dispute the 2012 Moto2™ World Championship on the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) Team along side team mate Australian Damian Cudlin. motogp.com caught up with the Spanish rider to discuss the career step and her expectations for the season.

Rosell is the first woman to contest the World Championship since German rider Katja Poensgen left the 250cc ranks in 2003, as well as the first Spanish woman to ever join the ranks in the Championship’s more than 60 year history.
Rosell made world news last year when she debuted in the Moto2 Championiship with the Aspar Team. Although at Assen she failed to qualify due to a crash, she was ranked thirty-third at the Aragon GP, becoming the first woman to contest and finish a Moto2 race. At Valencia GP she surprised the paddock with a 25th place finish after overtaking nine riders in the race, including the likes of Joan Olivé and Simone Corsi.
In an interview with motogp.com, the Moto2 rider shared her expectations for her upcoming World Championship adventure.
What are you feeling ahead of your first full season in the World Championship?
- "It's amazing; it’s something I have dreamed of for a long time and has now it is coming true. The truth is that we have spent a long time discussing this and now my place on the team has been confirmed. I’m happy that the negotiations are done."
How well do you know the team and your new team-mate, Damian Cudlin
- "I know the team from the CEV (Spanish Championship), they are quite familiar because most of them are from Spain. It’s a Qatari team that is run by Spanish members, and I think that works very well. I don’t know my new team-mate personally, but I suppose we still help each other out-he will help me anyway, as he has far more experience. I'm happy to start this new adventure."
How do think you will do in Moto2, a class that is known for its fierce competition?
- "Well, this year I aim to learn as much as possible, and as quickly as I can, because the grid is composed of high level riders and not so many with so little experience like me. It’s going to be difficult because I have to learn almost all the circuits and that will be hard. But hey, I'm ready for it and I think that with how determined I am we can address things as they come."
You've said that you see yourself not as a "female rider" but as a rider - but it’s clear that as the only female out there you will have a lot of attention,
- "Yes, since I started that has always been a topic, either positive or negative, and this year it will be as well. I have been fortunate to have many people supporting me, and there are always varying opinions, but these things don’t affect me negatively, you have to show up with your best and do the best you can, and that's how I think I will deal with things."
There are some women who have preceded you in the Championship, names like Taru Rinne, Tomoko Igata and Katja Poensgen. Do you know about their racing? Do you have a goal to go further than them?
- "I don’t know all about their racing, I know that Katja Poensgen scored points but… I don’t want to compare myself with them. I want to do my own work and as a rider, if my results are better and it helps other possible riders to use me as a reference, then all the better. I have to try to do the best I can for myself, for the sponsors that put their trust in me and for my team."
What is your strategy for the preseason and learning the Moriwaki MD 600?
- "Well, there is a test next week at Valencia, then one at Jerez, and then a last one again in Jerez. So I have some more track time yet. In fact, these days I’ve been on the track more than the entire last year with Suter in Moto2 (in CEV)."
Are you're recovered from your scapula injury?
- "Sometimes I still feel it a bit. We started training January 12, before that I couldn’t run or do basic workouts. Since then, I’ve tried to do supermoto and motocross each week. It still hurts a little sometimes because it’s in a place where several muscles merge, but I’m are strong enough, I'm doing preseason training like crazy. I always started the season with just the laps on the bike as practically the only training, and I think this preseason conditioning will help me."
Do you think you will be the first woman to score points in Moto2 or even the first one to make a podium finish?
- "Well, that's dreaming too much, I think. You have to be aware of your competitors, and mine are not as new as me, they have a lot more experience. It will be difficult, but that also make the results more valuable. I have to try to the best possible and on the circuits I know, we will see if I have any advantage of confidence or experience."
And maybe you will surprise us.
-"I hope!";/div>

Blizzard and Valve Stop Fighting, Make Peace over DoTA Dispute

Blizzard and Valve Stop Fighting, Make Peace over DoTA Dispute
Two of gaming's best and most beloved video game studios are no longer squabbling about the word DoTA. The makers of World of Warcraft and the creators of Half-Life jointly announced in a blast to the press today that they have reached "a mutual agreement regarding concerns over names of upcoming products."

Peace in our time!

The agreement: Valve will still be making a game called DOTA 2 and use the DOTA term commercially (translation: on things you can buy). Blizzard will keep using the term non-commercially forWarcraft III and StarCraft II maps.

Blizzard is changing the name of its planned Blizzard DOTA custom game in StarCraft II, which will now be called Blizzard All-Stars. That name, Blizzard's Rob Pardo said, "better reflects the design of our game."

This resolves what was becoming an ugly trademark dispute between two fan-favorite game studios.

The DoTA term, short for "Defense of the Ancients", was a fan-made mod that was made in 2003 for Blizzard's Warcraft III. It involved a specific multiplayer game-type that involved players protecting opposing waves of minions. DoTA games have been surging in popularity thanks to games such as League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth. Valve entered the fray in 2010, raising eyebrows with their intent to team up with a top DoTA developer to make a game they'd call DoTA 2. They began pursuing a trademark of the DoTA term. Blizzard objected and recently tried to block the trademark, a few months after announcing that it was making its own official Blizzard DoTA game featuring characters from the companies popular series like World of Warcraft and Diablo.

It was getting awkward. Valve was issuing complaints like this to the U.S. government's trademark office: "Valve seeks to appropriate the more than seven years of goodwill that Blizzard has developed in the mark DOTA and in its Warcraft III computer game and take for itself a name that has come to signify the product of years of time and energy expended by Blizzard and by fans of Warcraft III."

Now it seems resolved between these two heavyweights.

Blizzard's Pardo: "Both Blizzard and Valve recognize that, at the end of the day, players just want to be able to play the games they're looking forward to, so we're happy to come to an agreement that helps both of us stay focused on that."

Valve's Gabe Newell: "We're pleased that we could come to an agreement with Blizzard without drawing things out in a way that would benefit no one. We both want to focus on the things our fans care about, creating and shipping great games for our communities."

League of Legends creators' at Riot Games have previously said that they'd object to Valve trademarking DoTAKotaku has reached out to Riot to clarify where they stand on this matter and will update when we hear back.

(Top photo: Gorbachev and Reagan, Dec. 8, 1987 | Bob Daugherty, Associated Press)

Eee PC 1025CE, Netbook dengan "Instan On" dan USB 3.0

Asus Eee PC 1025C
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Asus semakin gencar bermain di ranah komputer jinjing mini alias netbook. Awal tahun 2012, Asus menambah jajaran produk netbook-nya dengan menghadirkan 3 varian baru seri Flaire di Indonesia, meliputi Flare Series Eee PC 1025C, Eee PC 1025CE dan Eee PC 1225C.

Tim Kompas Tekno pun berkesempatan menjajal produk Asus Eee PC 1025CE Flaire Series. Netbook ini digunakan untuk bekerja selama kurang lebih dua minggu.

Bagaimana performa Eee PC 1025CE? Berikut ulasannya.

Desain dan bobot

Asus cukup berani dalam mendesain jajaran Flaire Series karena produk-produk ini diberikan warna-warna terang. Eee PC 1025CE yang dijajal Kompas Tekno berwarna merah muda, cukup memikat mata orang-orang yang melirik ketika digunakan di keramaian.

Warna silver pada tombol-tombol keyboard masih serasi jika dipadankan dengan warna merah muda. Namun, bezel berwarna hitam pekat dan memiliki gestur garis-garis yang mengelilingi layar nampaknya sedikit mengurangi "kecantikan" netbook ini.

Untuk urusan slot dan port, Eee PC 1025CE terbilang lengkap. Di sisi kanan netbook tersedia port ethernet LAN RJ45, 2 port USB 2.0, jack audio 3,5mm dan slot memori eksternal SD card.

Di sisi kiri, ada port untuk pengisi daya baterai, port HDMI, dan sebuah port USB 3.0. Dengan USB 3.0, proses transfer data akan lebih cepat 10 kali lipat dibandingkan USB 2.0, secara teori.

Netbook yang memiliki bentang layar 10 inci ini memiliki bobot 1,25kg, tidak terlalu ringan dan tidak terlalu berat untuk dibawa ke mana saja. Alat pengisi daya baterai (charger) didesain ringkas, adaptor dan kabel power-nya menyatu sehingga tidak membuat sesak isi tas.

Tiga fitur unggulan

Prosesor Intel Atom N2800

Fitur unggulan pertama dari Eee PC 1025CE ada pada prosesor, yang menggunakan Intel Atom dual core N2800 dengan clock speed 1,86GHz. Ini merupakan prosesor Intel Atom generasi ketiga berkode nama Cedar Trail.

Dari pengalaman menggunakan netbook ini, Kompas Tekno menilai kecepatan dan performa grafis dari prosesor Cedar Trail memang terasa lebih baik dibandingkan generasi sebelumnya, Pine Trail.

Terlebih, Atom N2800 yang digunakan pada Eee PC 1025CE, saat ini merupakan prosesor dengan kasta tertinggi di keluarga Cedar Trail dengan kecepatan graphic processing unit (GPU) 640MHz.

Netbook ini siap digunakan untuk bekerja dengan dokumen, editing foto, browsingchatting, dan memainkan game-game ringan.

Instan On

Menyadari bahwa sekarang ini banyak produk komputer yang menggunakan hardware dengan spesifikasi dan kecepatan yang sama, maka Asus merasa harus memiliki diferensiasi pada produk terbarunya. Pabrikan asal Taiwan ini memperkaya Flaire Series, termasuk Eee PC 1025CE, dengan software Instant On.

Instant On memungkinkan produk netbook besutan Asus bisa langsung digunakan kembali dalam waktu 2 detik dari posisi sleep. Syaratnya, Anda harus menekan tombol power netbook ini.

Karena Instant On hanya bekerja saat netbook dalam modus sleep, maka teknologi ini tidak berpengaruh pada proses booting ketika netbook dinyalakan dari posisi mati.

Anytime USB charge

Anytime USB charge merupakan fitur yang memungkinkan pengguna mengisi daya bateraismartphone, tablet, atau alat pemutar musik digital dengan menancapkan kabel ke port USB Eee PC 1025CE. Anda tetap dapat mengisi daya baterai perangkat mobile dari netbook, sekalipun netbook tersebut dalam keadaan mati.

Namun, tidak semua port USB di Eee PC 1025CE memiliki fitur Anytime USB charge. Hanya portUSB 3.0 di sisi kiri sajalah yang memiliki fitur ini.

Daya tahan baterai

Pihak Intel dan Asus mengklaim, penggunaan prosesor Atom N2800 Cedar Trail membuat konsumsi daya baterai netbook ini bertahan 9 jam dalam pemakaian wajar. Ketika digunakan untuk berinternet ria menggunakan koneksi Wi-Fi, Eee PC 1025CE bertahan antara 4 sampai 5 jam.


+ Kecepatan kerja prosesor
+ Performa grafis prosesor lebih baik dari generasi sebelumnya
+ Adanya fitur Anytime USB charge
+ Baterai tahan lama

- Warna bezel yang mengelilingi layar mengurangi estetika netbook ini

Spesifikasi Asus Eee PC 1025CE Flaire Series

- Prosesor Intel Atom N2800 1,86GHz
- Hard disk 320GB
- Layar 10.1 inci beresolusi 1024 x 600 piksel
- Sistem operasi Windows 7 Starter / DOS
- Speaker Altec Lansing
- Webcam 0,3MP
- Baterai 6-cell Li-ion 5200mAh
- Konektivitas 2 buah port USB 2.0, 1 buah USB 3,0, ethernet, VGA, HDMI, jack audio 3,5mm, slot SD card, bluetooth, serta  Wi-Fi.
- Harga Kisaran Rp 2.890.000,-

Facebook Bakal Sediakan Fitur Berbagi File

KOMPAS.com - Situs jejaring sosial Facebook akan menyediakan fitur berbagi file. Fitur ini memungkinkan seseorang yang tergabung dalam sebuah grup untuk membagikan file ke sesama anggota dan ke grup lainnya.

Pengguna dapat mengunggah file berkapasitas hingga 25MB. File yang dapat diunggah meliputi jenis dokumen, video, e-book dan komik.

Facebook melarang pengunggahan file jenis musik dan aplikasi berformat .EXE untuk menjaga hak cipta dan keamanan.

Juru bicara Facebook dalam sebuah pernyataan mengonfirmasi kebenaran fitur berbagi file grup Facebook ini. Namun, belum ada kejelasan soal berapa jumlah file yang dapat dibagikan, dan berapa kapasitas ruang penyimpanan data yang didapat masing-masing grup.

Ketika ada file berhak cipta yang disebarkan di grup, para pengguna dapat melaporkan filetersebut kepada Facebook.

Tak hanya file berhak cipta, pengguna juga dapat melaporkan file yang dapat mengganggu keamanan ber-internet atau yang dirasa tidak pantas seperti konten porno.

Fitur macam ini sebelumnya telah ada di akun Groups for School (Grup untuk Sekolah), di mana murid atau mahasiswa dapat membagikan file yang dirasa penting untuk diketahui teman lain.

"Kami pertama kali memperkenalkan fitur berbagi file ini beberapa bulan lalu di Groups for School. Kami akan memperluas layanan berbagi file ini," ujar juru bicara Facebook.

Fitur ini menjadikan Facebook serupa dengan layanan penyimpanan online seperti Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive dan sebagainya. 
Sumber :

CEO Yahoo! Resmi Mengundurkan Diri

Scott Thompson, Presiden PayPal yang ditunjuk menjadi CEO baru Yahoo! Inc.
KOMPAS.com — Setelah dikabarkan akan mundur, akhirnya Scott Thompson resmi memutuskan mengundurkan diri dari jabatan CEO Yahoo! pada Minggu (13/5/2012).

Seperti dilansir Reuters, Thompson mundur dari jabatan yang baru dipegangnya selama 4 bulan tersebut terkait kontroversi catatan riwayat pendidikannya.

Pernyataan resmi dari Yahoo! menyebutkan bahwa Thompson terbukti tidak memiliki gelar sarjana Ilmu Komputer, meskipun gelar tersebut tercantum dalam resume resmi Thompson.

Untuk sementara, posisi Thompson digantikan oleh Ross Levinsohn, Kepala Global Media Yahoo!.

Seperti diberitakan, pekan lalu Yahoo! membentuk sebuah komite untuk melacak catatan riwayat pendidikan dalam curriculum vitae (CV) Thompson.

Pembentukan komite ini dipicu oleh laporan Daniel Loeb, pemilik perusahaan Third Point LLC yang menguasai 5,8 persen saham Yahoo!. Loeb menuduh Thompson tak pernah lulus dari pendidikan di bidang komputer, tetapi mengaku sarjana komputer.

Thompson adalah mantan Presiden PayPal yang baru bekerja beberapa bulan di Yahoo! mulai Januari tahun ini.

Penggantian CEO oleh Yahoo! ini merupakan kali ketiga dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Dua pemegang jabatan sebelum Thompson adalah Carol Bartz dan Tim Morse yang juga kehilangan posisi karena berbagai kasus dan masalah kinerja.

Sumber :

Colin Edwards will not take part in Estoril race after crash

Colin Edwards will not take part in Estoril race after crash

edwards update
Sunday, 6 May 2012

NGM Mobile Forward Racing Team´s Colin Edwards was involved in a crash on Saturday during the qualifying session with Randy De Puniet, during which the American broke his left collarbone and will be unable to race today.

After the crash Colin Edwards was taken to the Circuits clinic and was taken care of by Dr. Sarmiento and his team. He was under observation after the accident and was released to leave the clinic later that night.
Unfortunately the American rider will have to fly to Barcelona today in order to have surgery on his left collarbone. The surgery will most likely be performed by Dr. Javier Mir on Monday.
Kornelis Veldeman – Crew Chief
"We solved a few problems that we had in the morning. We did a few laps on old tires and when we changed to the news tires. With the old tires he already improved the lap time from the fasted one he made this morning. The bike seemed to feel good for him and it’s just a shame to finish the weekend like this with such an unfortunate crash."
Marco Curioni – Managing Director
"Our main concern is Colin´s wellbeing. We are hoping he will have surgery performed on Monday by Dr. Javier Mir in Barcelona and this is our main concern. The only positive outcome of today would be that the difficulties encountered during Saturday morning’s free practice were solved and during qualifying unfortunately he wasn’t able to get in his fast lap."

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