
Making YM di Blog

There are many alternatives that describes how to display icon in Yahoo Messenger Blog or our website. I tried to give explanations as short as possible without having to create something so complicated for the mind. That is why through this www.bangbrud.blogspot.com I try to present as short and practical for beginners.
Ok we startTo display the Icon Yahoo Messenger on Blog / website we aim our site so that visitors can see we're online or not, can also apply to websites that contain product information, so it needs a YM icon to interact with customers / members
Come immediately wrote the script enter the following:

Make a date and time on the blog

Script For Displaying Date and time of the Blog: Actually a lot of free services that can be found on the internet which provides free widget that can display the day and date in real, as he had been Tips and Tricks Blog post here. But in addition to using these services, we also can display it by using the script itself. If interested, please follow the following tips and tricks.

Steps to display the day and date, only by doing copy and paste the above script will be delivered following the gadget / widget blog. Or if you want, we can also show them in the header or body of the blog.


For those of you who want to be "nge-BOT" We provide bot cards for the activation of Rohan Online bot Indonesia to ease you in leveling for hours which is very burdensome and boring. Bot does not mean you do not play, leveling up your char first to follow the Guild Wars PvP as well as the available in-game ...
1. Certain online gaming companies have rules in the use of auxiliary programs such as bots. When using a program like this, you may violate certain regulations issued by the company's online gaming. Therefore, use this software for yourself and your risk id.botsmall not responsible for any consequences that occur due to wear and share this program.
2. Online gaming companies will probably modify their game to prevent this program. We will always try to ask the programmer for the program to update the program can still be used to update the latest games. But we do not promise of certainty in the update program.
3. id.botsmall not provide the services in question cheat, hack or how to make a bot. Users are fully responsible for yourself if you want to use these programs.
4. The above agreement is considered acceptable without conditions when you use the programs we provide.
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or PM in YM>> fahrie_coolz@yahoo.com

ROHAN gundam / RohanBotId1.0.5

New update ROHAN gundam / BOT check this out>>

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=============================Button2:Home - Display a bot.Start Training - Running bot.Stop Training - Stopping the bot.Save - Save setting bot (per tab yes).=============================

For tutorial... CLICK HERE

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