
Anti Mosquito Software

do not want the bother of mosquitoes without mosquito .. here the place to pick out ...

This paper is deliberately made because of late in kostan lot of mosquitoes. Use common mosquito does not like to eat the smoke, which dioles klo do not like ajah. So ajah search into google perhaps there is another alternative for overcoming this problem. Understandably now often asked to champion if there is nothing: p Eh taunya not have the software. Anti Mosquito Software Software name. How does it work? ya he does it work .. So this principle Anti Mosquito Software Freeware alias is freely distributed for free would produce sound or voice with the range of 16000Hz - 20000Hz which could make mosquitoes so feel comfortable and ga ga ama would deket us.
Make all my friends, who linger at home hanging out in front of the PC / laptop you, without you do not need to fear get mosquito bites, particularly dengue fever mosquito, but if you use a room that is air-conditioned ... why should definitely not going there mosquitoes, mosquitoes do not strong cold


To you who are creative and ready to face the challenge of the design competition from MTV Staying Alive 2009. Win prizes millions of dollars!

General Terms:
* Participants aged 15-25 years.* Indonesian Citizen (include a self-identity, KTP / SIM / Student ID).* Registration is free of charge.* Fill out and include a form that can be obtained at www.globaltv.co.id.* The deadline for receipt of the material is dated 25 November 2009.

Special Requirements:
* Theme design: U'r Words about HIV & AIDS)* Max. one design per contestant* Includes concept design
* The work included on CD and print out. (A3 and format for High-res Tiff and Jpeg for Low-res) to:
Global TV Marcomm Department,Central Ariobimo Building 6th Floor,
Jalan Rasuna Said Blok X H.R-2 / Kav V,Kuningan Jakarta 12950
* Left corner labeled envelopes Staying Alive Sticker Design Competition 2009.* Including private Bios / group.
Stickers Design Guidelines:
* Create positive words that match the theme of purpose & Staying Alive 2009, which Resound The Message, voice and remind the public about HIV / AIDS.* Filling Design on the column / space that is provided by including logos Staying Alive 09.* Insert logo Staying Alive 2009 & Logos Global TV.

::Download Registration Form Staying Alive 2009 HERE ::

::Download Global TV Logo's and Staying Alive 2009 HERE ::

Sell ID Rapidshare & Megaupload

For those of you who like to download in rapidshare or megaupload, you must emrasakan how annoying it becomes WL (Waiting List) must wait a few seconds to download some files.
Now we give a solution for you I hobby Download. We sell ID rapidshare or megaupload in the form of dollars. aja simple enough, you who are interested can contact us via IM or call us at 085755560100

1 ID rapidshare 1 month Rp. 50.000,00

1 ID rapidshare 2 month Rp. 133.000,00
1 ID megaupload 1 month Rp. 100.000,00

For more Information Please call 085575872733/YM

Bot / gundam rohan 1.0.7

after more than 3 months of testing the use of Indonesia with a free Rohan bot, we announced the bot will begin to pay on 20 October 2009 at 00:00, Beijing time (GMT +8) so in indo is dated 19 October at 11.00 pm tonight.
cardnya bot card type is 60 points, where 1 point = 12 hours of use bots, so the total usage is 60x12 hours = 30 days. during the use of 1 point which is 12 hours, no matter how many times you dc not reduce points again, so take it easy, 12h 1 point ga ga over less.bot points cards can be used for multiple bots at once the use, of course jg consumption divided by the number of bots that you wear.
New update Rohan gundam / BOT 1.0.7
check this out;CLICK HERE

or tutorials charge / check points, Rohan bot can be tough in HERE


Simply send via account below and transfer, continue to claim to take part botcard. include name, date, time, number, and transfer to any bank.
Example 1: Adi, 12 oct, at 12:03 pm, 55rb, to the BNI.
specifically for a cash deposit please include the news in the form of the name when deposited into a bank
Our service time at 10:00 until 21:00, when passing time please claim tomorrow. Suggested jgn transfer beyond that time.

  Account Number: 004 3623 118


Klaim can call at  085755872733

or trough YM : fahrie_coolz@yahoo.com

Making YM di Blog

There are many alternatives that describes how to display icon in Yahoo Messenger Blog or our website. I tried to give explanations as short as possible without having to create something so complicated for the mind. That is why through this www.bangbrud.blogspot.com I try to present as short and practical for beginners.
Ok we startTo display the Icon Yahoo Messenger on Blog / website we aim our site so that visitors can see we're online or not, can also apply to websites that contain product information, so it needs a YM icon to interact with customers / members
Come immediately wrote the script enter the following:

Make a date and time on the blog

Script For Displaying Date and time of the Blog: Actually a lot of free services that can be found on the internet which provides free widget that can display the day and date in real, as he had been Tips and Tricks Blog post here. But in addition to using these services, we also can display it by using the script itself. If interested, please follow the following tips and tricks.

Steps to display the day and date, only by doing copy and paste the above script will be delivered following the gadget / widget blog. Or if you want, we can also show them in the header or body of the blog.


For those of you who want to be "nge-BOT" We provide bot cards for the activation of Rohan Online bot Indonesia to ease you in leveling for hours which is very burdensome and boring. Bot does not mean you do not play, leveling up your char first to follow the Guild Wars PvP as well as the available in-game ...
1. Certain online gaming companies have rules in the use of auxiliary programs such as bots. When using a program like this, you may violate certain regulations issued by the company's online gaming. Therefore, use this software for yourself and your risk id.botsmall not responsible for any consequences that occur due to wear and share this program.
2. Online gaming companies will probably modify their game to prevent this program. We will always try to ask the programmer for the program to update the program can still be used to update the latest games. But we do not promise of certainty in the update program.
3. id.botsmall not provide the services in question cheat, hack or how to make a bot. Users are fully responsible for yourself if you want to use these programs.
4. The above agreement is considered acceptable without conditions when you use the programs we provide.
for booking can be through no 085755872733
or PM in YM>> fahrie_coolz@yahoo.com

ROHAN gundam / RohanBotId1.0.5

New update ROHAN gundam / BOT check this out>>

happy for you guys who play Rohan in indo .. I love the easiest way leveling ama earn money here .. I love his new boots  .. .. .. ehhehehehe

=============================Button2:Home - Display a bot.Start Training - Running bot.Stop Training - Stopping the bot.Save - Save setting bot (per tab yes).=============================

For tutorial... CLICK HERE

Maria “Miyabi” Ozawa to Indonesia

MiyabiBintang beautiful Japanese porn movie Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa (23), scheduled to be played in the film is produced by Indonesian producers Maxima Picture's with the title "Kidnapping Miyabi"
MiyabiBintang beautiful Japanese porn movie Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa (23), scheduled to be played in the film is produced by Indonesian producers Maxima Picture's with the title "Kidnapping Miyabi"
According to the screenplay writer "Kidnapping Miyabi", Raditya Dika is also at the same time will act as a male actor who will accompany Maria Ozawa in the film, the film is free from kevulgaran and not a porn movie star although that is a famous porn star from Japan that is Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi.
There will be no naked action like that is usually played by the Japanese porn movie icons, even to say this movie has the comedy genre.
In this film interesting is the figure said Miyabi from humanisnya side. The important thing is we want you see the hot stars that humans, too, said Raditya.
The film "Kidnapping Miyabi" This will tell a beautiful girl from Japan who will be played by Maria Ozawa who migrated to Indonesia in order to do business, and eventually he founded Miyabi Lingerie stores. The story goes that the three students more confused looking woman birthday gift for their loved ones. The three boys were students who were then actually obsessed with beauty and eventually kidnap Miyabi Miyabi who was played by Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa. One of the men who kidnapped Miyabi is played by Raditya Dika who plays a young man named Raffa.
Maria Ozawa's plan for the arrival into Indonesia is scheduled on October 14, 2009 and started filming on October 15 to 22, 2009. During the existence of Maria Ozawa in Indonesia, not careless people can be approached, let alone shake hands. According Erlina S, PR Maxima Pictures, Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi will receive an artist's exclusive rights. He'll get a tight guard, as well as that conducted by agents of the artist in the country of origin when Miyabi Japanese.
Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa, a Japanese famous porn actress was born on 8 January 1986, the bloody mixture Japan, France and Canada. An exotic beauty of her face made him quickly famous:), and of course also the fans in Indonesia ... Not? : D
Wew ... ... Maria Ozawa play Comedy movie?
: Lol:

Make a Jigsaw Puzzle Game with Flash

Basic Jigsaw
Basic tutorial on making a game of Jigsaw, is compiling the pieces of an image that has been randomized into the picture completely.
We need the Action Script to create this game. If you are still confused with Action Script. Here are a few clues to start learning. You have to know where to put the Action Sript. There are 3 places where the action script was imprisoned, namely Frame Script, Movie Script, and Script Button. Try to find out why the ActionScript was put there and what is its function. Because here is not to be discussed at length.
Step 1: Create a Graphic Symbol "round" like the picture below.
Step 2: Create a Button Symbol "button" that contains symbol "Round"
Step 3: Make a Movie Clip Symbol "dummy" in which you put symbo "button".
Step 4: We will use startdrag function to create objects can be moved around when the mouse in the press (press) and off when mouse button is released (release).
Step 5: Go to a movie clip symbol editors 'Dummy', there is a button symbol "button" that we must give the script. So we put in ButtonScript ActionScript.
You may be confused, why do we have to use movie clips "dummy" why do not directly use the symbol "button" be placed on stage so much easier.
It wants so, but startdrag function can only move the movie clip, not a dummy button so we need to outsmart.
Explanation of script:
When the mouse button on the press "on (press)", startDrag function will make the object follow the mouse cursor wherever go.
When the mouse button off "on (release)", function berhentik stopDrag will make the object follow the mouse cursor.
Step 6: Place the movie clip "dummy" which has been given ButtonScript in it to STAGE. Then run your movie.
Make a Jigsaw Puzzle Game
This is another example of the Flash jigsaw puzzle that I like.
Here is how the technique of cutting an image into part of the jigsaw puzzle:
1) From the Library, take a bitmap image (graphic.jpg) to the stage
2) From the Library, take a movie clip "Jigsaw Overlays" (the contents of the guidelines of each form of puzzles) to the stage at the same layer with the previous image. The position of "Jigsaw Overlay" will be above the image and later will serve as "cookie cutter" for the image below. Make sure the correct size and position. Click on an empty stage to eliminate all selection.
3) Edit> Select All, followed by Modify> Break Apart. So the lines in "Jigsaw Overlay" will be truncated by the image without losing the pixels of the image.
4) Select each section and then make the symbol in a way to Insert> Convert To Symbol that is stored in the Library like a movieclip symbol with a registration point in the middle. Name the symbol of the parts from P1 to P9.
5) Double click somewhere on the line "Jigsaw Overlays" to select all, then delete karen we no longer need these guidelines.
6) Give an instance name for each section as P1target until P9target.
7) Select all parts of the target puzzle, Edit> Copy, then select a higher layer and Edit> Paste ... All this becomes part movieclip real puzzle. You just change the instance name in P1 to P9 P1 so that the puzzles associated with P1target in the lower layer. Do the same for other parts. Spread puzzle pieces randomly on the left side of the stage.
8) Return to layer with all parts of the puzzle and choose their targets again. Set Alpha to 0% they become invisible.
All Action Script is located on the first frame. Will find all the puzzles and give movieclip button behaviors [onPress, onRelease, onReleaseOutside] on them (this feature of Flash MX ... you no longer need separate button-button)
Final message "You're done!" driven by a counter variable piecesLeft ... where the first used to calculate the total number of bagian2 puzzle,
result of the number of object2 in _root (_level0) that have instance names that contain the string "target". Then when the players put the puzzle in the right location, piecesLeft will lose 1 ... time reaches zero, the text "You're done!" appear in dynamic text field _root.message.
One nice feature is able to swap the image that used to puzzle with another image exactly the same size, right click on the image method in the Library, select Properties ...> Import and locate the new image the same size. So without any extra work, you can have a new puzzle, because all the puzzles will keep their orientation is not a problem with what is in the content graphics.


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Create Puzzles With Photoshop

Tips Create Puzzles With Photoshop

Yes, this unique work you can get by utilizing existing facilities in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Although seemingly simple, here you can understand how the shadow effect to make the retouching or digital imaging looks so real. Curious? Let's try.
1. Open the photo you want to make puzzles. Next, duplicate the image by pressing [Ctrl] [A] on the keyboard. Name the new layer with "Puzzle". Click the new layer, then click [Filter]> [Texture]> [Texturizer ...].
2. In Texturizer box that opens, click the triangle icon on the right side menu "Texture:". Click [Load Texture ...]. In the next box that appears, open the directory C:-Program Files-Adobe CS3-Adobe Photoshop-Presets-Textures. Click the file "Puzzle", then click [Open].
3. Now the texture of the puzzle will appear above your photos. Set the size of each piece of the puzzle in the slider menu "Scaling". Set effects arise every piece puzzle with "Relief", about 15-20 numbers. If so, click [OK].
4. To make it look real, off one or two pieces of the puzzle. Click [Pen Tool], then the selection chip which will "removed". Right-click the selection, then click [Make Selection ...]. Fill in the "Feather Radius" of about 1-2 pixels in Make Selection box, then click [OK]. Selection of the dashed lines will appear.
5. Create a new layer above Layer Puzzle by pressing [Shift] [Ctrl] [N]. Name the layer with "holes" in the box that appears, then click [OK]. Paint the result of selection with white color by clicking [Edit]> [Fill ...]. Fill in the box, click the drop-down menu "Use" and select [White]. Tuntasi by clicking [OK].
6. Next, give the shadow of the hole puzzle by clicking the [fx] in the Layers palette, then click the option [Inner Shadow]. Set in the shadow of the hole through the menu in the Layer Style box. If so, click [OK]. Remove the selection by pressing [Ctrl] [D].
7. Duplicate the original photo layer (layer Background), then drag and place it on top of layer "hole". Name the layer "chips". Continue by pressing [Ctrl] on your keyboard, then click on the layer "hole" until the selection. Click Layer Chip ", then click [Select]> [Inverse]. OK? Press the [Delete].
8. White holes filled with pieces of photos that were previously missing. To look like a dislodged, slide pieces by [Move Tool]. Press [Ctrl] [T], point the pointer to the object corner pieces, then click and play a little object. This was done because the little irregularities will lead to more real effect. Finish by pressing [Enter].
9. In order for a dislodged piece looks realistic, click the [fx] in the Layers palette, then click the option [Drop Shadow]. Equate the shadow with the Inner Shadow effect in step 6. Click also [Bevel & Emboss] and sub-option [Contour]. Adjust the settings in each menu option. If so, click [OK]. Now picture puzzle you are ready to co-netter exhibited

Seven Transformation Pack 2,0

For You guys who want the look of Windows XP its more cool and ga jadul like stone age. Ne i love her Themes Software. ni is not just a regular theme .. in her already in love tweaking tool for tooling smua thing about her visual windows, from the most minor bootscreen mpe (icon). so jgn waiting for doomsday come .. trigger immediate download .. now is stale Ntar ^ _ ^

Seven Transformation Pack 2.0 Keynotes

Vista compatibilities - Starting from version 2.0, support will of Seven Transformation Pack Windows Vista operating system and allow users to get Windows 7 in Windows Vista experiences. It will of support XP/2003 and Windows Vista in Same installation package for easy updates and Avoid conflicts. You May Think the file size is too large for Windows Vista users alone but please bear with it.

Bug fixes - Some bugs found in previous releases are fixed. This includes clean uninstallation That earnest remove all installed features and tweaks for real this time. I tested it in Windows XP/2003/Vista and found everything removed properly. Bugs are fixed with incorrect icons intentionly Also changed but I closed the folder to ones specified in imageres.dll as proper closed folder regardless of the Windows Vista / 7 keep using opened for both. Vista Rainbar earnest notes longer keep nagging full screen application and have memory leak issues resolved for the long-time use.

ViGlance improvements - This is our MVP in this release. You will of get the advanced version of ViGlance. It has Aero Peek feature showing live thumbnails on the taskbar. You can pin applications on the taskbar as Windows 7. Options section is now available for ViGlance configuration and yeah ..... it has superb graphics, updated by Windows X That resembles Windows 7 RTM. The stability is improves a lot too and compatible with the vertical taskbar and full screen apps.

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Once on stage tonight who really crowded (thanks to listen to songs ST12), because of dizziness due to internet again in use download so lemoth really, can not perform routine (games and playing games). 2 people are finally brother Nanda and brother ud looking for ideas to make the downloaders excited and happy mania download feasting at will on blogs created by 2 people this. because more weight strees .. finally we also want you confused what name? want to cool briefly distinguished name like a character in the game, in the film, puppet ato ... to confuse the brain to mpe dizzy looking for the name of this blog idea ... ampe a while brother Nanda nyeletuk bangbrud wrote ... he said, I'm a little slow my brain .. become somewhat disconnected not mean ... then he explained bangbrud uptake of calling both of us .. "Bang_nanda and mas_ud" (call from nadhifa or dhifa), is finally decided by 2 people stress this in the name of this blog called bangbrud.blogspot.com, after a few months later bangbrud.blogspot.com became bangbroed.com. The idea from a friend kost ie vicky (pritoz) and until now the name of his website into www.bangbroed.com and now is extended to websites like Anime Sale Accessories Jacket, Anime T-shirts, and the need coosplay ^ _ ^

Entri Populer

Silahkan memasang link anda disini, dan saya minta anda memasang link blog ini di blog anda Jika saat saya berkunjung ke blog anda tidak saya temukan link ke blog saya ini di blog anda, maka dengan sangat terpaksa akan saya hapus link anda disini, oleh karena itu silahkan anda konfirmasikan dikomentar dimana (URL) link blog ini anda letakkan di blog anda, terima kasih dan salam blogger.